[C++-sig] GSoC and py3k support for Boost.Python

David Abrahams dave at boostpro.com
Thu Mar 12 22:32:39 CET 2009

on Wed Mar 11 2009, Haoyu Bai <divinekid-AT-gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have posted this to Boost development mailling list before and many
> people suggested me to repost here, so I did.
> I'm a student who has finished SWIG's Python 3.0 support in GSoC 2008.
> I'd like to contribute my knowledge of Python 3 migration to
> Boost.Python, by implementing Python 3 support for it as a Google
> Summer of Code 2009 project. Finally the users of Boost.Python would
> get py3k support smoothly.
> Also, you may suggest other useful features that Boost.Python
> currently lack, for example thread safety and PyFinalize support. I
> would like to take it as part of this project if possible.
> Any comment is welcome. And it would be great if you are willing to
> mentor this project.

At the risk of overcommitting myself (or worse, promising and not
delivering), I'd be willing to mentor this project.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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