[C++-sig] Pyste,Py++: equivalent of swig typemaps?

Mihail Konstantinov kmihail at rocketmail.com
Sun Nov 30 22:24:39 CET 2008

> If I understand right SWIG feature, it allows you to define something
> like "call policy" which is invoked before and after function
> invocation, and it also allows you to define complex mapping between
> Python and C++ arguments. So you can define it once, and then apply it
> when needed.

Yes, this is what I tried to say, but couldn' t phrase it.

> I could be wrong, but you cant define such "call policy" using
> Boost.Python. Code generators definitely help in this situation.

I'll spend more time to better understand the Py++ docs. Maybe the function transformations do what I need.

Thank you


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