[C++-sig] [pygccxml-development] Pyste, Py++: equivalent of swig typemaps?

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 20:47:07 CET 2008

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Mihail Konstantinov
<kmihail at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> due to limitations of swig I am currently learning Py++ and Pyste (because
> it seems currently to be better documented than Py++).

Hmm. Did you see
http://language-binding.net/pyplusplus/pyplusplus.html page? If so
what documentation you think it lacks or what could be improved?

> Does Pyste or Py++ offer typemaps like swig
> (http://www.swig..org/Doc1.3/SWIGDocumentation.html#Python_nn53) that allow
> any sequence of input arguments to be wrapped to other Python arguments
> (like for example ....,int len,char *s,... to a Python string) in any
> function where they appear, even surrounded by other arguments?
> The only remotely similar I found documented is
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/python/pyste/doc/wrappers.html
> which explains how to write a wrapper between C++ STL and Python containers.
> But such a wrapper has to be rewritten for each and every function. Is there
> a simple method that automates the repetitive task like swig typemaps?

I can answer for Py++ only. If I understand right, SWIG typemaps, than
you are looking for "Function Transformation" feature:

If you combine it with "query" functionality (
http://language-binding.net/pygccxml/query_interface.html ) you get
what you want.


Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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