[C++-sig] profiling C++ python extension

Mark Williams mark at image-engine.com
Fri Nov 21 21:21:06 CET 2008

stephan nies wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> just had a quick glance at the google-perftools documentation.
> Could you provide a little more Detail in how you use it
> with a python extension? Do you link against libprofiler.so
> or do you use LD_PRELOAD ?
> Do you do anything special other than that? Or do you
> just start your python application?
What I ended up doing was writing a small module (linked against 
libprofiler.so) containing bindings for the ProfilerStart/ProfilerStop 
functions. Then I could just import that module in Python and call 
start/stop around the sections I wanted to profile. After that I just 
ran "pprof" over the resulting file to create a PDF showing the call 
graph and timings.


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