[C++-sig] where is the extension module?

David Abrahams dave at boostpro.com
Thu Nov 20 18:42:05 CET 2008

Run bjam with "-n -a" and it will show you all the commands it  
executed to build and run the test. That includes the info you're  
looking for.  Oh, unless you pass --preserve-test-targets, the  
extension module is deleted when the test passes, so you might want to  
touch the .cpp file and try again.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 19, 2008, at 12:55 PM, "jrios" <gallineral at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody
> I am just learning Boost.Python and so far I was able to install Boost
> 1.37.0, got a free copy of Visual Studio 9 Express (thanks  
> Microsoft!) and
> built all Boost libraries (a long wait of almost 3 hours).
> Started the tutorial, compiled the extending example under
> libs\python\example\quickstart, the test was successful.
> But where is the extending module? I did an entire search under the  
> Boost
> root and the closest thing I saw was a extending.pyd.rsp file. On  
> the python
> console I typed >>import extending and I got "ImportError: No module  
> named
> extending"
> Please give me some hint....thanks
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