[C++-sig] Regarding thread compatibility of boost python

Andrew Athan aathan_R_1542 at memeplex.com
Wed Mar 8 07:29:42 CET 2006

Could someone please elaborate on what is and is not safe to do with 
respect to threads and boost python?

My specific situation involves an embedded python interpreter within a 
C++ app that uses multiple NPTL threads.

The Python module which is initially called creates a number of threads 
within Python code.

Following initialization, calls tend to originate from C++ into Python, 
and I can guarantee that these are serialized so that no more than one 
thread is calling into Python at once.

However, Python may call back out to C++, and when doing so I need to 
ensure thread safety of the C++ code.  However, such "backout" calls (to 
coin a new term) never result in an intermediate callback into Python.  
I.e., C++->Python->C++ is possible, but not C++->Python->C++->Python.  
And, such "backout" calls are not long running.

Here are what I believe are the correct answers:

*  I assume that thread safety of the C++ code, when invoked from within 
Python, is really a matter of the C++ code itself.  Python threads map 
to NPTL threads, correct?  So, it's possible that my C++ code will be 
invoked from a different thread than the one used to call into Python.  
Therefore, I should appropriately protect the C++ code using NPTL mutexes.

* Calls into Python should be wrapped with PyGILState_Ensure() and 

* "backout" calls don't have to be protected, really, since they are not 
long running, it's probably safe not to wrap them in 

Despite the constraints I have described above, which seem (unless 
someone corrects me) to relax the thread safety requirements, I am 
looking into using the boost python patches in the Tn FOX library.  Can 
anyone characterize these?  There is not much included in the sources by 
way of documentation.  I have not yet looked into the actual Tn FOX 
documentation package.


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