[C++-sig] custom smart pointers

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 19:48:57 CEST 2006

Hi. I am working on some project that defines smart pointer and uses
it allover the place.
I have a problem for some reason I am not able to call functions that takes the
smart pointer instantiation as argument. The error I get is ArgumentError:

ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    ref_get_value(my_smart_ptr_t<controllers::controller_i> {lvalue} a)

Code high level:

class my_smart_ptr_t{...}

struct controller_i{
  virtual int get_value() const = 0;

struct add_x_t : controller_i{
  int m_value;
  virtual int   get_value( ){ return m_value + get_add_value(); }
  virtual int get_add_value(){ return 0; }

int get_value( my_smar_ptr_t<controller_i> c ){ return c->get_value(); }

In order to export this code, I wrote next code:

namespace boost{ namespace python{

  controller_i* get_pointer( my_smart_ptr_t< controller_i > const& p )
  { return p.get(); }

  template <>
  struct pointee< my_smart_ptr_t< controller_i > >
  { typedef controller_i type; };

  //same code for add_x_t class


Because both classes contains virtual function I create class-wrapper
for every class.
Classes and function registration is pretty simple. After this I add
next registration code:

register_ptr_to_python< my_smart_ptr_t< controller_i > >();
register_ptr_to_python< my_smart_ptr_t< add_x_t > >();
implicitly_convertible< my_smart_ptr_t< add_x_t >, my_smart_ptr_t<
controller_i > >();

Python code:

import my_module
add_x = my_module.add_x_t()
my_module.get_value( add_x ) # raises the error I described earlier.

I think, I exposed my classes "by the book". May be I am missing something?

Thanks in advance.

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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