[C++-sig] Boost.Python.function.__signatures__

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 18 00:44:09 CEST 2005

--- David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:

> Ult Mundane <ult at mundane.org> writes:
> > 2. Parameters which are built-in C++ types are reported as 
> > single-letter names (e.g., i = int, v = void, b = boolean, x 
> > = long long, j = size_t, etc.). In your example below, it 
> > shows the real C++ type names. I wonder what's different 
> > about my configuration.
> Looks like either Ralf isn't using __cxa_demangle (see
> libs/python/src/converter/type_id.cpp)

I do use the demangler all the time.

> or your version of GCC is <
> 3.1.

gcc 3.4 has a bug. 3.3 was fine, I think 4.0 is fine too (not sure, no time to
double-check because I am out of town).

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