[C++-sig] How to wrap protected virtual methods

Eric Jardim ericjardim at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 15:15:17 CEST 2005

Hi, everyone...

I think I solved this "problem". Actually, I think that there is no problem. 
I worked so much last night that I couldn't see the simple solution.

class QWidget_Wrapper: QWidget, wrapper<QWidget>
 mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* p0)
 if (override mousePressEvent = this->get_override("mousePressEvent"))
 mousePressEvent( ptr( p0 ) );
 default_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* p0)

// and do
.def("mousePressEvent", &QWidget::mousePressEvent, 

// instead of
.def("mousePressEvent", &QWidget_Wrapper::default_mousePressEvent)

So, solved another issue. But I think this should be noticed on some place 
of the docs or the tutorial itself.

[Eric Jardim]
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