[C++-sig] Re: Cross module inheritance failing with the Intel compiler on Linux

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Thu Mar 11 21:09:26 CET 2004

"Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve" <rwgk at yahoo.com> writes:

> --- David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
>> Did you test this with Intel 7.1 by running the Boost.Python
>> regressions?  I'd be surprised if it worked; I could've sworn it was
>> the first thing I checked when trying to solve this problem.  IIRC we
>> still have problems with exception handling.
> I just re-did the tests with Intel 7.1 (using my type_id.hpp patch) and they
> all work except for crossmod_exception.py, as you expect.
> At the moment I am thinking:
>   - Mike's example tells us that we should be using BOOST_PYTHON_TYPE_ID_NAME
>   - BOOST_PYTHON_TYPE_ID_NAME does not affect EH
> Correct?
> As an aside, I am also thinking that Intel 8.0 works for Mike's example because
> it defines __GNUC__ which leads to BOOST_PYTHON_TYPE_ID_NAME being defined.
> Does this make sense?

Yep, I buy your theories.  Please feel free to make patches at will.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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