[C++-sig] Re: a working example of wrapping an instantiated c++ object

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Dec 6 16:58:33 CET 2004

Yao Heling wrote:
 > On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 09:26:51AM -0500, David
 > Abrahams wrote:
 >>Two questions remain:
 >>1. Does it work?
 > Yes. At least it passes the attached python test.
 >>2. Is the test/ directory really the right place for this?
 >>   That's not really supposed to be a repository of helpful
 >>   examples.  Maybe this should go in the tutorial instead?
 > Maybe test dir is not really the right place for this.  I just
 > want to put it somewhere centralized, so that people can find
 > it easily.  Tutorial would be a great place

Joel, can you incorporate this in the tutorial somewhere?

 > (or an example dir
 > somewhere with the distribution so people can contribute more
 > examples;

Would http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/boost_2epython be a
good place for that?

 > not all python folks are good at c/c++ and I believe very small
 > examples do have a place in boost::python).

I agree.

 > I spent hours searching for a solution to my very simple
 > problem (wrapping an object), and I hate anyone else to repeat
 > such efforts.

I understand.  The documentation should be better, for sure.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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