[C++-sig] Re: compiling test/embedding.cpp

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 12 01:17:50 CEST 2003

--- David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
> > A quick find/grep in the Boost.Python sources (current CVS) suggests that
> > ~shared_ptr_deleter(); is declared but not defined. 
> It's in builtin_converters.cpp.

Sorry, I missed this due to a typo in my find/grep command.

> David, what's the best way to resolve this? 
> Fix the compiler/linker?

The commands issued by the mipspro toolset result in the use of precompiled
headers and the prelinker. A while ago we stopped using the prelinker because
the builds go a lot faster and there is no significant runtime penalty. Stefan,
if you'd like to try if disabling the prelinker fixes your problem, here are
the options that we are using:


CC -n32 -mips4 -LANG:std -LANG:pch=OFF -no_prelink -ptused
-FE:template_in_elf_section -FE:eliminate_duplicate_inline_copies
-woff 1001,1234,1311,1682,3439 -DNDEBUG -O2 -OPT:Olimit=0 -I...
-c file.cpp


CC -n32 -mips4 -LANG:std -LANG:pch=OFF -no_prelink -ptused
-FE:template_in_elf_section -FE:eliminate_duplicate_inline_copies
-shared -LD_MSG:off=15,84 -o libany.so *.o -lm


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