[C++-sig] boost-python link command a bit too long on gcc 3.2

Rene Rivera grafik666 at redshift-software.com
Wed Oct 23 23:09:56 CEST 2002

[2002-10-23] gideon at xs4all.nl wrote:

>I am working on a wrapper library which has quite a number of source
>files, about 80. This is not a problem, except that currently the
>link command is longer than 10240 characters, a limit on the length of the
>gcc linker. The reason is that each object path is about 120 chars due to
>the boost build system. Has anyone come across the same problem and might
>have a solution for me ?

That looks like the WindowsNT command.com limit. Which platform are you
doing this on? What version of bjam? What version of Boost? etc.

By the way, I frequently link, with gcc on Linux, libraries that have
hundreds of files.

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera at acm.org - grafik at redshift-software.com
-- 102708583 at icq - Grafik666 at AIM - Grafik at jabber.org

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