[C++-sig] splitting it into multiple pieces

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 23 01:33:30 CEST 2002

--- greg Landrum <greglandrum at mindspring.com> wrote:
> The problem is that I've got a bunch of interconnected objects:
> Molecules are made up of Atoms and Bonds (and have GetAtom/Bond methods)
> Atoms and Bonds each contain a pointer back to their parent Molecule (and 
> have GetParent methods)
> I'd like to have separate modules for Mols, Atoms and Bonds.  Can I do this 
> given the interdependencies?

Yes, this is no problem if you are using Boost.Python V2. I do this all the

> If so, is there a convenient example laying around somewhere I can
> look at/steal code from?

I got into the habit of binding one class per file. E.g.:


The "top-level" module in this directory is sgtbx_module.cpp. This module calls
the bindings in all the other files (e.g. wrap_brick();). I am pointing you to
this directory specifically because MSVC 7 even made me split up the bindings
for one class: files space_group.cpp and space_group_2.cpp . It all works
without a problem on a variety of platforms.

Related suggestion: you could try lowering BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY and
BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_BASES (see Boost.Python configuration docs). Maybe this helps
MSVC, but I am not sure.


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