[C++-sig] Just about to release

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Oct 9 21:46:42 CEST 2002

"Greg Hawkins" <Greg.Hawkins at softwire.co.uk> writes:

> Sure,
> Should minor bits like this go to the list or to you or Joel directly?
> I guess the list is best so you don't get loads of duplicates...

To the list is fine, thanks.

> Another one, for instance:
> -------
> first code example in
> boost/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/basic_interface.html
> the 'y' doesn't correspond to the 'f' in the subsequent cpp
> example. One of them needs fixing.
>     def f(x, f):
>          if (y == 'foo'): <<< this y should be f

I'm not so sure. I think having 'f' as a parameter to a function
called 'f' is confusing, don't you? Or maybe we should change the
function name to 'g', *and* make your suggested fix.

>              x[3:7] = 'bar'
>          else:
>              x.items += f(3, x)
>          return x
>     def getfunc():
>        return f;
> -----------
> best, Greg

           David Abrahams * Boost Consulting
dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com

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