[C++-sig] Boost.Python v2: beginning of generalized object support

Niki Spahiev niki at vintech.bg
Mon Jun 17 12:07:49 CEST 2002

David Abrahams wrote:
> From: "Niki Spahiev" <niki at vintech.bg>
>>David Abrahams wrote:
>>>object attribute access is available through the "_" member function:
>>>C++                    Python
>>>x._("foo") = 1;        x.foo = 1
>>>y = x._("foo");        y = x.foo
>>This will go into GNU gettext translation dictionary.
> What is that?


>>_("...") is  default marker for gettext. Can boost.python use something
> other?
> I'm not sure. What problems could this cause?

All attribute names will go to translatable strings (for UI).

Why not:

x.a("foo") = 1
y = x.a("foo")

or any other letter?

Niki Spahiev

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