[C++-sig] Linux

Scott A. Smith ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu
Thu Jun 13 19:30:21 CEST 2002

Hi Dave,

>That's very odd. No /usr/lib/python2.2/test ?
Nope. I've decided I am just extremely lucky with all of my recent 
dealings with Boost! My problems with the RH 7.3 Linux build were not 
due to any environment variable settings, but due to a lack of a Python 
test directory, in this case /usr/lib/python2.2/test. I downloaded the
Python sources and copied its Lib/test there instead.  The build then  
worked perfectly.

>No, you don't need its contents. 
Good, because I don't know if the one I copied is the proper test 
directory?  I have
looked to see that other Python RPM's include a test directory, but I 
 haven't found one yet that will use the newer libraries on my system or 
I would just reinstall it. I don't know why RH didn't install the test 
directory when Linux (Python) was installed. My disks are at home so
I can't check to see if it is provided somewhere at all.  I 'll have a 
look see at home tonight.
I am pretty sure that my system at home does not have this test 
directory either and I normally
install all of the development stuff when I put Linux on.

>BTW, this test is not done for Boost.Build v2; if you're seeing it with an
>attempted v2 build, you're building from the wrong place.
I was building 1.28.0 from the boost_1_28_0 directory. I started using 
that now for all builds so I would not confuse myself over version 
issues, evidently that did not work....as I guess I've just figured the 
"versioning" out. As for the latest CVS, the build from libs/python works
fine without any Python test directory. Got it, this is V2 because it 
makes libbpl.so.
Alternatively, a build of Boost from the main directory complains about 
the missing
test directory and will not make Boost.Python.  Then if I reinstate the 
Python test directory and build from my  Boost root it runs fine with no 
complaints about Python missing and makes libboost_python.so .... OK 
that is V1.

So then, is v1 vs. v2 just applicable to Boost.Python. not the overall 
Boost package?

Anyhow, this Linux problem is solved.

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