[C++-sig] Outstanding Jobs for v2 release

Achim Domma achim.domma at syynx.de
Wed Jul 17 14:36:25 CEST 2002

> Please try doctests; it's really quite easy if you use the build system.

Where it makes sense, I changed the return values from long to bool. Then I
wrote some tests using doctest, but have some problems:

- the test for 'str' fails. the output of 'Expected' and 'Got' seem equal to
me, but doctest says they are not. I searched for differences in tabs and
spaces but did not find anything.

- slice and operator[] do not work. slice does not work at all and
operator[] could only be used for writing. here is an example for 'dict':

    dict tmp;
    tmp[1] = "a test string";

The last line fails with the following error:

TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: class
boost::python::api::proxy<struct boost::python::api::item_policies>

Is this my fault? what's going wrong here?

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