[Conferences] Information about PyCon-Russia

Anton Patrushev apatrushev at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 16:17:20 CEST 2012


I have learned about this correspondence from colleagues - the
organizers of PyCon Ukraine.

I will try to bring some facts about the current activity in the
russian python community.

Our team already planning to organize big russian python conference
which will be held in February, 2013 (500 participants).
We started to select headliners and creating conference program two weeks ago.
We have some experience in python conference organization.

One of our team organized RuPyRu conference in 2007-2009 in Omsk
(60-90 participants per year).


We started thinking about russian conference after returning from
PyCon Ukraine 2011 and
decided to start with regional conference which was held in February,
2012 (130 participants).


I think that Eugeny could try to organize regional event and
participate in our commitee.

PS. Sorry for the site only in russian. Some links with translations

WBR, Anton Patrushev

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