[Conferences-discuss] Crackle, crackle, "hello"...

Stephan R.A. Deibel sdeibel@wingide.com
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:10:50 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:13:48, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> Agreed.  Did *anyone* hear about Python10 through a non-Python
> channel?  Especially given that the conference had two high-profile
> keynote speakers who have name recognition, I was surprised that there
> seemed to be so little publicity effort made outside of Python-related
> mailing lists and user groups.

This seems like a great example of a trend I've been noticing:  The
Python community and associated vendors really undersell the language,
esp. in light of how much people that use it tend to benefit from it.

I don't know if this will be fruitful but it seems worth a try to get
together people that are interested in this generic problem.

As such, I've created a new mailing list marketing-python@wingide.com
dedicated to the discussion of the general problem of marketing Python the
programming language.  I'm hoping this can be a place to generate some
insights and perhaps some contacts for potential collaborators in getting
Python out in front of more of the software development world.

The main page is here:


I'll announce this on clpa a bit later, in case there's a desire to
move this to python.org or something.


BTW, I strongly agree that Python needs both a larger and growing
commercial style conference and a small, cheap conference that looks
more like the past conferences (only cheaper).  This seems like it's
an important part of the "Python formula", part of what makes the
community work so well.

- Stephan

Wing IDE for Python                          Archaeopteryx Software, Inc
www.wingide.com                              Take Flight!