[code-quality] Pylint reports, is anyone using them?

Cara ceridwen.mailing.lists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 15:33:16 CEST 2015

I use some of the reports some of the time.  The external dependencies
report is by far the most important for me, my typical use is for
analyzing packages to figure out what blocks a given package from
running on PyPy or Python 3.  I haven't been able to find a good
replacement, so I'd be sad to see it go.  I sometimes use the raw
metrics to get a picture of how much actual code there is in messy
projects, my own or others'.  Duplicated lines is something I find
useful mostly in hunting for duplication in code written by other people
I need to refactor.  I could probably write scripts to replace this
functionality, though, or use other tools.  The rest I can't ever
remember using.  The numeric evaluation is actively misleading, which I
think is reason enough to eliminate it.


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