[CI-Announce] Martin Keogh Workshop

Lynda Fleet lyfleet@richmond.infi.net
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 18:00:17 -0500

The Martin Keogh workshop is a go in Richmond for March 25 and 26!

Cost is $90 for the two-day workshop. To reserve your space (we have
only 24 slots), send a check for the full amount to Lynda Fleet, 2908
Ellwood Avenue #2, Richmond, VA 23221. Checks are refundable if we can
find someone else to take your place.

If you need a place to stay, folks in the contact community here are
happy to put people up. If you need help arranging for a place, let me
know. If you need to call me, I'm at 804/355-4869.

Hope to see you there!


(sorry if you receive two or more of these notices....)

Here's the workshop description & some info on Martin Keogh & a poem for


• Rolling on a Grassy Slope •
               Intensive Weekend Workshop in
               Contact Improvisation
                   with Martin Keogh

During this two-day workshop, we will begin with a review of the
fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. These include: tuning the senses,

communicating through touch, weight exchange, moving support, falling
safely, and aerial work.  Special emphasis during this workshop on
releasing the
neck and pelvis, and surprising ourselves in flight and extended

• For all levels: beginners welcome

Martin Keogh has been teaching and performing Contact Improvisation for
over twenty years. After attending the Interlochen Arts Academy and
University, Martin spent time traveling to monasteries in Japan and
Korea and was a Dharma teacher at the Empty Gate Zen Center in
Berkeley.  He is
one of the original members of the Motivity Dance Company, which
specializes in
aerial dancing on low level trapezes.  Martin is cofounder of
Dance Studio and The Dancing Ground, an organization that produces
conferences on gender and mythology in Northern California.  He is a
consultant with Touchdown Dance USA, an organization that teaches C.I.
to the blind.  Most recently he was a member of the dance faculty at the

Interlochen Arts Academy and at Stanford University. Currently when not
on tour,
Martin teaches at the National School of Fine Arts in San Miguel de

Terra Incognita
             D.H. Lawrence

There are vast realms of consciousness still undreamed of
vast ranges of experience, like the humming of unseen harps,
we know nothing of, within us.
Oh when man has escaped from the barbed-wire entanglement
of his own ideas and his own mechanical devices
there is a marvelous rich world of contact and sheer fluid beauty
and fearless face-to-face awareness of now-naked life
and me, and you, and other men and women
and grapes, and ghouls, and ghosts and green moonlight
of the unknown air, and eyes so soft
softer than the space between the stars,
and all things, and nothing, and being and not-being
alternately palpitant,
when at last we escape the barbed-wire enclosure
of Know Thyself, knowing we can never know,
we can but touch, and wonder, and ponder, and make our effort
and dangle in a last fastidious fine delight
as the fuchsia does, dangling her reckless drop
of purple after so much putting forth
and slow mounting marvel of a little tree.