[Chicago] Chicago Python __main__ Meeting on September 10th

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 10:02:28 EDT 2020

Hi ChiPy,

Welcome back from the long weekend! Just a reminder that our September 10th
__main__ meeting is about here. We have some really cool talks planned for
our live stream. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

*When: *Thursday September 10, 2020, 6 p.m.
*Where: *Remote Meeting
You can join our Live Stream at the following link:

*More info:*


   - *Snakes on a Car: Or, Over-engineering a Toy*
   By: Kat Cosgrove

   Like a lot of engineers, I like to tinker. I also like hardware hacking,
   video games, and over-engineering the hell out of something. When my team
   at work decided to build a proof of concept demonstrating the possibility
   of fast over-the-air updates for edge devices, we settled on using a car as
   the example of an edge device. It’s flashy, you know? This also presented
   me with an opportunity to do all of the things I love, and call it work:
   build a self-driving RC car, and then let people race it around a track
   using a repurposed USB racewheel, a handful of open source tools, and whole
   lotta Python. DevOps, but make it fun.
   - *Fun with Finite State Machines*
   By: Aly Sivji

   Finite State Machines (FSM) are tools we can use to model simple and
   complex workflows. In this (non-mathematical) talk, we will learn about
   FSMs and examine how they can be used to improve software design. We’ll
   finish by diving deep into a couple of Python implementations of FSMs. Full
   disclosure: one of the implementations is a library I created.
   - *Don't be beholden to your tools*
   By: Dave Trollope

   How KnowledgeHound innovated by breaking usage of existing tools to
   solve two immediate problems. A discussion of Django, SQLAlchemy, Pure
   Python, and Pandas.

Thank you always to our sponsors, including Braintree and JFrog. ChiPy is a
community run event and we depend on generous donations from our sponsors
to make events and activities possible.
If you or your company is interested in sponsoring, we'd love to talk with
you as we update our sponsorships for 2020.

Please be aware of and abide by our code of conduct

Engage with ChiPy
Website: https://www.chipy.org/
Slack: https://joinchipyslack.herokuapp.com/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/
Github: https://github.com/chicagopython/chipy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicagopython
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT372EAC1orBOSUd2fsA8WA
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