[Chicago] ChiPy May/June Main Meeting Call for Speakers

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 20:37:32 EDT 2020

Hi ChiPy,

We recently had a very successful online Main Meeting and WebDev/DevOps SIG
Meeting using a new tool called StreamYard, which allows us to stream and
record directly to our ChiPy YouTube channel. We can switch between
different video inputs, including screen-sharing and video cameras. This is
pretty exciting as we can continue to hold meetings from home!

Now we need your help to make our upcoming meetings great! We are looking
for speakers for our May 14th and June 11th Main meetings, and invite you
to give a Python talk. If you are interested in submitting a talk, please
submit via our speaker registration form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!
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