[Chicago] ChiPy Upcoming Schedule

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 12:47:22 EDT 2020

Greetings ChiPy!

First off, our highest hope is that all of you are safe, secure and staying
at home as much as possible these past few weeks. As we all
self-quarantine, we are still seeing reports of folks who are contracting
COVID-19 and it’s more than apparent that we are in this together. We hope
you’ll engage our community on Slack to talk and support one another.
Virtual communities like the one we have on Slack are so important during
this time.

We want to let you, our community, know what we have planned for the
upcoming ChiPY events. We will not be meeting in person until well after
the Stay at Home Order expires. However, we have some great online events
planned for April and we hope you'll join us:

Tuesday April 7th - WebDev / DevOps SIG: We will be meeting virtually with
a live stream on YouTube. Starting at 6pm Central. RSVP at

Thursday April 9th -  __main__ meeting: We will be meeting virtually with a
live stream on Youtube! RSVP at

Thursday, April 16 - Project Night: Join us in Slack on #projectnight from
6:00-9:00 for some group work rooms. We’ll start with a few main rooms in
Hangouts and folks can split off from there by project. These will be
hosted by some of our amazing organizers:


   Heather White

   Joe Jasinski

   Ray Berg

   Zax Rosenberg

We will be having discussions during the livestreams in the #chipy-tube
channel on ChiPy Slack. If you haven't already, join our Slack:

We are looking for more ideas all the time (and more volunteers) to help us
expand Python in Chicago even/especially while at home. If you have ideas
and want to help, we’d love to hear from you.

Always Pythoning,

ChiPy Board
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