[Chicago] Resolving lists within lists within lists within .....

Daniel Galtieri daniel.galtieri at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 17:31:36 EST 2016

Look at itertools.chain(), basically does what you want.
On Feb 15, 2016 4:12 PM, "Lewit, Douglas" <d-lewit at neiu.edu> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Well it's President's Day and I've got the day off!  Hooray!!!  Finally
> some time to just relax and mess around.  So I'm at my computer playing
> around with Python and wondering how to resolve the issue of multiple lists
> embedded within other lists.  I came up with two functions that I think
> solve the problem.  But I was wondering if Guido or someone else added a
> builtin function or method that does this automatically for the
> programmer.  Or is there an easier way?  Okay.... thanks.  ( In case you're
> wondering why I called the function "flatten" it's because I know from
> experience that Wolfram Mathematica and Ocaml have these "flatten"
> functions.  I think Ruby has something similar, but I haven't played with
> Ruby in a while so I'm not really sure. )  The try: except block is
> important because you can't subscript non-list data structures in Python.
> The IndexError is what you get when you try to index an empty list.  So I
> ****think**** my try: except block covers most commonly encountered
> exceptions when working with lists embedded within other lists.
> Best,
> Douglas.
> def flatten(lst):
> if lst == [ ]:
> return lst
> else:
> try:
> return [lst[0][0]] + flatten(lst[0][1:] + lst[1:])
> except TypeError:
> return [lst[0]] + flatten(lst[1:])
> except IndexError:
> return flatten(lst[1:])
> def flattenAgain(lst):
> newList = lst[:]
> while newList != flatten(newList):
> newList = flatten(newList)
> return newList
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