[Chicago] Hour of Code for young people aged 5-10 this Sunday (yes their parents can come)

Chad Estep chadestep at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 23:02:01 EST 2015

I'm a grad student at NU (neuroscience if that matters) who is more than
willing to help out in any way possible if you need any more assistance.

Let me know what I can do and I'll do it.

-Chad Estep

On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Tanya Schlusser <tanya at tickel.net> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We still have spots open for the Hour of Code event ChiPy is co-sponsoring
> as part of Computer  <https://csedweek.org/>
> Science Education Week <https://csedweek.org/>.
> Young people 5 - 10 years old are invited to Northwestern's Robert H.
> Lurie Medical Research Center to do an Hour of Code and meet some
> programmers in our community this Sunday! This is a joint event held with
> PyLadies, Northwestern Information Technology, and Northwestern's
> Programming for Biologists club.
> Link: bit.ly/chipy-hourofcode
> We will have continental breakfast, a panel of local programmers, and an
> Hour of Code activity. We hope you can make it -- but register soon since
> there are only 13 spots left. It is going to be so awesome!
> If you haven't seen these Hour of Code tutorials you've got to try them on
> your own:
> http://code.org/learn - computer science education has really changed :-)
> !
> ----
> On a side note, the volunteer response for this was amazing -- it shows
> how much ChiPy cares about its community -- I didn't even have to announce
> a request to the mailing list because more people than we needed
> volunteered immediately after it was announced.
> Anybody who has other ideas on ways we can provide volunteer opportunities
> for this community is welcome to email me directly (or to reply to the
> group of course!) and I'm happy to brainstorm.
> Best,
> Tanya

Chad Estep
Ph.D. candidate
Northwestern University
Github.io <http://chadestep.github.io>
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