[Chicago] JupyterDay Chicago CFP

Safia Abdalla safia at safia.rocks
Sun Dec 6 03:34:47 EST 2015

Hello folks,

I'd like to share with everyone another fantastic opportunity to get
involved in public speaking with everyone.

I'm currently working on organizing Chicago's first JupyterDay, a day-long
conference that will be held on February 20, 2016. The event is designed to
convert users of the Jupyter Notebook <https://jupyter.org> into
contributors to the project, connect data scientists in the Chicagoland
area, and introduce beginner developers to open source. If any one those
things sound interesting to you, then consider submitting a proposal to the

We are  looking for individuals to present 20-minute talks on a Jupyter or
scientific Python-related topic. This is a great, low-risk way to dive into
public speaking and I'm happy to personally help out anyone who needs
assistance with the proposal.

You can submit your proposals at this Google Form
Let me know if you have any questions.

I look forward to getting your submissions.


P.S. Registration for the conference will open mid-January.
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