[Chicago] ChiPy Call for December 10th Speakers

Joshua Herman zitterbewegung at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 03:00:50 EST 2015

+1 looks cool also looks like a good platform to make IoT devices since if
you have python its easy to do a request to an API.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Naomi Ceder <naomi.ceder at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> It IS pretty much the same micropython, since it's implemented by the same
> person, Damien George, an embedded codign genius who lives in the UK. It's
> also basically the same chip, but the micro:bit is a different design and
> has extra stuff built in as I'll explain.
> However, no, I personally haven't played with the original micropython
> pyboard, although I saw Damien's demos of it at PyCon UK 2014.
> Cheers,
> Naomi
> On 1 December 2015 at 16:14, Jonathan Pietkiewicz <jdanielp at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Naomi,
>> Looks like that's (nearly) the same micropython as runs on the pyboard
>> from https://micropython.org/ .  Have you had a chance to play with the
>> pyboard at all?
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:12 PM, Naomi Ceder <naomi.ceder at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I would be happy to give a talk on Micropython on the micro:bit.
>>> Proposal follows:
>>> *Meet Mary the micro:bit*
>>> You may have heard of the BBC micro:bit - a tiny (2" x 2.5") ARM based
>>> single board computer that every 11 year old in Britain will be receiving
>>> in a few months. (And if you haven't, well, as for everything else, start
>>> with Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_Bit>.) Even better,
>>> the micro:bit runs Python 3 (MicroPython, to be exact).
>>> The Python Software Foundation is a partner in the project, thanks
>>> largely to the heroic work of my friend Nicholas Tollervey. (see
>>> http://ntoll.org/article/story-micropython-on-microbit for more)
>>> The micro:bit will be released in the UK some time around February, and
>>> should be available commercially shortly after that. Even though the
>>> micro:bit has't been officially released yet, a few have made their way out
>>> the door ("fallen off the truck" as we used to say). And I helped Nicholas
>>> cook up the idea of sending 5 of them on a world tour
>>> <http://microworldtour.github.io/>. (Disclosure: yes, this was partly
>>> selfish - I knew it was the only way I was going to get my hands on one.)
>>> So I happen to have one these precious few devices in the wild.
>>> I'd be happy to give a 30-45 minute talk about the background of the
>>> micro:bit and getting Python on it, about the teaching implications, the
>>> development done so far, and what's needed for the future, as well as the
>>> world tour that several of the devices are on. There would also be a live
>>> demo of the device.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Naomi Ceder
>>> On 30 November 2015 at 23:38, Joe Jasinski <joe.jasinski at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> ChiPy is looking for speakers for the December 10th Meeting.  ChiPy is
>>>> eager to hear talks from both new and veteran speakers.  If you are looking
>>>> to get involved in the Python community, this is a great opportunity to
>>>> share your Python-related knowledge.
>>>> Talk lengths are flexible and typically range between 10 and 45 minutes
>>>> (which includes time for questions).  As ChiPy is a Python-group, we ask
>>>> that the talks be Python-related.
>>>> If you'd like to submit a topic, please send your talk idea to this list.
>>>>  We'll also need you to fill out the talk proposal form so we can get
>>>> your talk on the schedule.
>>>> http://www.chipy.org/meetings/topics/propose
>>>> Let me know if you have any questions, and hope to hear from you soon!
>>>> If you'd like to attend the next meeting, you can rsvp at chipy.org or
>>>> via our Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/> group.
>>>> Joe
>>>> --
>>>> Joe J. Jasinski
>>>> www.joejasinski.com
>>>> ChiPy Co-Organizer
>>>> www.chipy.org
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>>> --
>>> Naomi Ceder
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> --
> Naomi Ceder
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/111396744045017339164/about
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