[Chicago] Director of Outreach to be named shortly

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 16:06:08 CET 2014

I will +1 going ahead with a delegation for an Outreach person.  Self
preservation forces me add a +1 for inclusion of total newbies to Python.

I will also+1 Sheila for all the inreach and outreach efforts she does.  I
will thank Carl for the gargantuan efforts in collecting video related to
Python.  I will +1 the Emperor for our web site upgrade and maintenance.  I
will 1 < summa + < n -1 All of the eating, listening, topic discussion and
side conversations of our group at our summa best meetings ever which means
giving a + infinity to Brian Ray and all of those who aid his efforts for

We continue to learn.


I tend to think this way when around someone who talks a lot because I
think there is just not that much truth currently in existence.  Then I
think 2,4,6,?  pause then think 2, 4,6, 10**9 + 2, 10**9 + 4, 10**9 + 6,?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 9:26 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
>> I don't volunteer for chipy because of the decision making process.
>> Perhaps other people feel the same way. We won't know unless we discuss the
>> decision making process.
> There is no major decision to be made here. The choices are:
> A) I delegate the work to everyone -- which does not work well because due
> to the nature of the tasks we need a point person and that still makes me
> the point person.
> B) I delegate the work to the one qualified volunteer.  (There was
> actually two, but the other one is out of the country for at least months)
> C)  I continue to do it myself.
> I pick B.
> If anyone has any possible disagreements with that choice, please speak up
> by the end of the day today.  The volunteer has already kindly set aside
> some of her time to do work this weekend. I really don't want to pull her
> off the task because it is monumentally important and something that is the
> groups best interest. I have two other tasks for this person next week that
> includes entertaining a conversation with a professor who revealed to me
> they use Python extensively and where we need to figure out how to get them
> looped into the group. He may benefit from a flyer to post to the
> department cork-board. I simply do not have time next week to entertain
> that conversation. I don't know what he needs. Frankly, I am embarrassed to
> point his students to this list because of the recent conversations.
> Sheila, you actually do volunteer a lot. I don't know what you are talking
> about. I actually really appreciate the work you and Carl put into the
> group. I will try to be transparent so you feel included in the
> conversation; however, lengthy discussions on the mailing list is just not
> the way I usually do business. I do try to keep moving things forward and
> pick up the balls when they get dropped.  Ad hominem tu quoque.
> Brian
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