[Chicago] aaronsw memorial hackathon documentation

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jan 23 16:53:49 CET 2013


Can I just show up with my laptop and be given a task?  My work has
generally not overlapped all that much with the sort of work Aaron
did, and I've not done anything web-based in several years (only now
dipping my toe in the Django water).

OTOH, I have this idea for a Django-based bike serial number database
to assist owners of vintage bikes in dating their vintage steeds.  You
can see an initial stab at it as just a Google Spreadsheet (limited to
just Medici bikes, a now defunct small builder from Southern
California in the 70s-90s):


I have an initial stab at things on my laptop, with little more than a
schema, a few records, and a user interface a four-year-old could have
done better.  Maybe someone would like to help me flesh out the user
interface?  I don't know if that fits in with the theme of the evening
or not.  I'd be happy to push what I have so far to Heroku.


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