[Chicago] pypy

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 19:06:26 CET 2013

I have a head cold so do not feel like doing a lot of visual focusing but
my ears and the weired and wired areas of my brain are functioning so I was
listening to the 2012 keynote and wondered if the other two talks were the
warmups he mentions toward the end or if there are two more directly pypy
subject oriented videos by him:

Keynote: David Beazley <http://pyvideo.org/video/659/keynote-david-beazley>
Event: PyCon US 2012 <http://pyvideo.org/category/17/pycon-us-2012>
Speakers: David Beazley <http://pyvideo.org/speaker/125/david-beazley>
Recorded: March 10, 2012
Language: English
Using Python 3 to Build a Cloud Computing Service for my Superboard
Event: PyCon US 2011 <http://pyvideo.org/category/7/pycon-us-2011>
Speakers: David Beazley <http://pyvideo.org/speaker/125/david-beazley>
Recorded: March 11, 2011
Language: English
Vintage 1978 Superboard II hacking with some Python3 and

I'm not sure if we're still looking for talks on Thursday, but if so, I'd
like to volunteer to give a talk about using Python to do some
retro-computing hacking involving my vintage 1978 Superboard II. It's not
exactly robotics, but it involves hardware and a lot of low-level hacking
(along with some Python3 and ZeroMQ thrown in for good measure ;-).
Event: ChiPy <http://pyvideo.org/category/14/chipy>
Speakers: David Beazley <http://pyvideo.org/speaker/125/david-beazley>
Recorded: January 13, 2011
Language: English
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