[Chicago] Question raised by Factoring fun with functions in Python

Randall Baxley rlbax777 at swbell.net
Tue Nov 13 21:38:34 CET 2012

I enjoyed the article though my memories of SQL are old as dirt and involved screens where you plugged in a bunch of stuff to QUERY DB2 and DBII databases.  Maybe I remember even less than I think I do.
Studying for the U of Toronto final now and this is sort of me procrastinating but at some point I will have to begin to look at what libs are used and that I should become familiar with?
Once I take this final I plan to jump back over on the Rice course.  The interface they are using though has me intrigued and I am wondering if it is expandable or if there are others like it for easily building web pages and publishing them?
Next question is at what point in all of this studying might I become useful to actually putting together my own app or helping others?
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