[Chicago] Pre-meeting meetup for job candidates

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 16:21:07 CET 2012

For those of you I have been showing around for job placement, please try
to get to make it to tomorrow night's meeting and come early (6:30 if
possible) so we can touch base in person.

Also, if you're interested in being a part of this please hit me up off the
list or see me in person. The initial response has been amazing. We have
over a dozen opportunities and around 7-8 of you looking. It looks like a
lot of this will end up in placement. Good for ChiPy and the community so
thanks for everyone participating. If you have already been placed by ChiPy
and have something "nice" to say, feel free to share your comments here!

Also, companies looking to hire great Python developers let me know and we
will discuss what your looking for and if it is something I think our
candidates would be interested in. You do not need to come to the meeting
unless you wish to contribute extra sponsorship and in that case we will
give you the mic. That is unless you are interested in learning Python or
have something grand to contribute.

Cheers, Brian

Brian Ray
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