[Chicago] Analyte Health is hiring python developers

Leon Chism leon at chism.org
Tue Feb 21 19:02:19 CET 2012

Analyte Health is once again hiring developers to join the technology team
in our Chicago office. We have a great team with very talented and
passionate technologists, and we're looking for more, to help deliver on a
number of interesting projects coming up.
You can read the full listing and apply here:

Analyte Health is an on-line physician's practice using the power of the
Internet to create convenient, private, and patient-focused medical care
for our patients. We are optimizing and scaling top-flight medical care in
a way that hasn't been done before -- we've helped many tens of thousands
of patients nationwide and the volume is continuing to grow. We regularly
get feedback surveys with quotes like "I'm a customer for life" and "your
service saved my life."

At Analyte, we employ a variety of technologies to deliver our vision. Our
code is Python. Our websites are Django. We serve content using a mix of
Apache, memcached, and MySQL. We use RabbitMQ and Celery for asynchronous
processing. We functional test our sites using Selenium and we unit test
our code. We use Jenkins (or is it Hudson...I forgot what Larry said we
should call it _this_ week) as our Continuous Integration server and we
work hard to keep it clean. We use open source solutions when available,
and we open source our own technologies when appropriate. Our application
started out as a Python and Django driven web site, but has evolved beyond
that start into a much more robust and integrated system as our company
continues to expand its ties with the rest of the healthcare community.

We are looking for developers who have

* Built and maintained customer facing web applications.
* Worked with any MVC based web framework like Django, Rails, or Servlets.
* Developed production systems using dynamically typed languages like
Python, Ruby, Scala, or Groovy.
* Thrived in agile environments.
* Experience with the tools we use like fabric, apache, RabbitMQ, Selenium,
and memcached.
* Collaborated closely with clients, product owners, and other
non-technical folks.
* A desire to work in a results-driven meritocracy.
* The willingness to debate with peers who are as talented and intelligent
as you.
* A quality mindset, and a test-driven development habit.
* A demonstrated passion for advancing their own skills and knowledge.

Analyte Health is a start-up with some great benefits: besides a great
working environment and a great team, you’ll have access to an array of
insurance benefits, a 401(k) plan, catered lunches everyday, and we’ll get
you whatever hardware and software you need to do amazing things for our

No recruiters, please. Just talented developers who want to discuss the
opportunities we have. Contractors may be a possibility depending on
circumstances. Drop me an email if you want to explore that option.

If this sounds interesting to you, use the links above and apply. If you
have questions, email me: leon at analytehealth.com

- leon

Leon Chism
CTO|Analyte Health
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