[Chicago] Chicago python chipy nomination request

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 16:31:37 CET 2012

Today is the last day to nominate someone to be sent to PyCon. Please
do not hesitate, we want to send you!

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 7:46 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
> Here's my yadda yadda explanation and please forward around. Or write
> your own because you might want to give a more serious or professional
> impression than I do.
> Quick apology:
> I realize this sucks, since it is already the last minute. I'll make
> sure chipy does better for next pycon. Or the next something else.
> (tell me what you think).
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Quick version:
> Last night was the February chipy meeting, and we worked out that
> chipy can afford to give $300 and a registration to three people.
> We'll accept nominations for this until Tuesday, and decide on the
> candidates Wednesday. Please feel free to pass along this email post
> to anyone who wants to be put in to consideration, or anyone who would
> have ideas for people to put forward for consideration.
> About pycon! http://us.pycon.org/2012/about/
> More about pycon! http://us.pycon.org/2012/schedule/
> Blahblahblah lengthy slow version:
> Pycon has novice, intermediary, and expert talks, but one of the best
> things about pycon is the free style tracks. There's the hallway track
> where people walk around in the hallways talking about interesting
> things. There are lightning talks, where attendees can sign up to talk
> for 5 minutes (this is my favorite part). There are also open spaces.
> Anyone can decide to call an open space on any topic that interests
> them. You can see some examples here, but don't let the wiki constrain
> you because people can declare open spaces at the event, on index
> cards, whiteboards, fliers, who knows. Me? I started the Open Science
> BOF page. I hope there are people there interested in that, but if
> not, I'm going to go to one of the other ones.
> http://us.pycon.org/2012/community/openspaces/
> Do you think you are not experienced enough or good enough to go? I am
> absolutely dorky. I am also not a real python developer. If someone as
> goofy and inexperienced as me is going to pycon, anyone can go! There
> are even more goofy and experienced people than me who are going.
> Don't let that stop you. Also, there are goofy and highly experienced
> people going which is also excellent because you'll meet them! Not
> everyone is dorky and goofy, but I like them too. Some of them will be
> there and giving talks and declaring open spaces.
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:39 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to know if any of you in Chicago involved in the python
>> community would like to nominate someone for chipy to send to pycon.
>> Sorry for the extremely late notice. I only thought of this yesterday.
>> After seeing someone's (local to the area) dad email the
>> python-organizers list to ask if his son could be on the pycon waiting
>> list (there is no waiting list), it occurred to me that chipy could
>> look in to a sponsorship.
>> Well, that idea worked, and we have 3 possible slots open. I am
>> inclined to offer a slot to the student, and I am also inclined to
>> offer slots to some of the guys who have been working on chipy.org. I
>> would also like more nominations, please please please before
>> tonight's meeting. I'm not certain how long we should wait, given how
>> close we are to pycon. People will be very inconvenienced if we don't
>> offer them a slot until the last minute.
>> I realize this kind of sucks, since it is already the last minute, and
>> I'll make sure chipy does better for next pycon.
>> --
>> sheila
> --
> sheila
> --
> sheila
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Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717

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