[Chicago] chipy pycon sponsorship?

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Feb 8 18:05:20 CET 2012

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, so there are several concerns here. We should only send someone
> who is involved with ChiPy or plans to be in the future. Also, on the

Okay, taken in to consideration.

> cost side, do we also need to cover all their expenses including
> travel, lodging, and expenses?  If so, is there any way to come up

With respect to travel expenses, given that the parent email the
organizers list, perhaps he was already willing to pay those. I was
taking that in to consideration as well. I know we can't necessarily
afford to pay for the cost of the trip.

> promise. Sound fair?


> I will leave it up to you Sheila how you want to nominate someone and
> confirm they can still go.

Let me know when you have more details and then I will send an email
to chipy asking for nominations.

Thanks! I hope it happens.


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