[Chicago] Sprint Coach Needed for PSF Python Sprint at Flourish 2011! - April 1st - 3rd

eviljoel eviljoel at linux.com
Wed Mar 16 03:57:54 CET 2011

Hello All,

I see my friend Aisha announced to you yesterday that Flourish
registration is open, so I'll spare you the details about our
conference.  If you need details about the conference in general,
please refer to http://www.flourishconf.com/.

I've been in contact with Brian Curtin and a couple others about
setting up an official PSF sponsored Python Sprint at Flourish 2011.
More on Python Sprints can be found at http://pythonsprints.com/.
Unfortunately, Brain can only be a Sprint Coach on Sunday.  We
currently do not have a Sprint Coach locked down for Friday night and
Saturday.  If being a Sprint Coach at Flourish is something that
interests you, please reply and let me know.

What exactly we'll be coding at the Python Sprint is still to be
determined.  I am waiting to see what our second Sprint Coach is
interested in working on before committing to a specific type of
project.  However, the Python Sprints website has the following
- Python Core work, e.g, bug triage, documentation
- Porting libraries/applications to Python 3
- PyPI and packaging related improvements
- Contribution to Python VMs, e.g., PyPy, IronPython
- Contribution to other Python projects, e.g., Django, PIL, pywin32 and so on...

If you are interested in contributing during the Python Sprint itself
but are not up for being a Sprint Coach, please send me an e-mail
(joel at flourishconf.com) and I'll keep you informed about this event as
details are established.

Oh, and please excuse me if word about this proposed sprint already
got out to you via this list.  I checked the archives before sending
this e-mail, but I still might have missed it.

One last request.  I notice you have a meeting this Thursday in the
north suburbs.  I would greatly appreciate it if someone could
announce Flourish and our search for a Sprint Coach at this meeting.
I would attend it myself but it seems impossible to get up there via
public transportation.

Thank you,
Joel Luellwitz

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