[Chicago] Python Ultimate Language Blowout II

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Thu Feb 25 22:20:35 CET 2010

Here we go again... This is the "Python Ultimate Language Blowout II"

Each participant gets only 5-10 minutes (depending on entries). The  
person who makes the best case wins! Each talk needs to be about some  
programming language other than Python and make at least one  
comparison to Python in the talk.

Experience the fame and good fortune Brantley Harris, our last time  
winner, has experienced :)

Sign up for consideration:


See who is in the running:


Please email me or other ChiPy organizers on or off the list if you  
want to donate a prize for the winner.  Recall from last time, the  
winner who gives the best talk-- ot the best language.

Tentative date is March 11th at 7pm, so do not wait!!!

-- Brian Ray

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