[Chicago] Any ideas about how can i imporive myself?

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 02:22:21 CEST 2009

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 6:04 PM, <nadra.yazaji at gmail.com> wrote:
> thank you for the helpful information. Really do appreciate it
> Nadra
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Hi Nadra --  in addition to excellent advice already given, search
your own heart about what interests you personally, outside of Python
in particular, and use that as a motivation to either join a project
or start a new one.  Some people care about music, get into PyGame or
PyMedia for that reason.  I don't know of a BlackBerry is Python
programmable (probably not smart enough) but "device control" is
definitely a turn on for *some* people.  No one else can tell you what
you care about, so don't be shy about asking yourself pointed
questions, listening hard to what you say.


In my case, I like the idea of native American kids learning to code
their own slot machines, look to Paul Allen and other foundations for
outreach opportunities.  You'll see evidence of that interest in the
"rich data structures" I use to teach about Python dictionaries:


If we're lucky, some of these kids'll be contacting Vern Ceder about
getting some poster space at an upcoming Pycon.  We shall see.
Grownups also get to play.


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