[Chicago] Chicago Digest, Vol 47, Issue 10

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Jul 15 20:54:43 CEST 2009

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 1:08 PM, ladams<ladams at ladams.interaccess.com> wrote:
> Carl,
> In answer to your request for feedback, I was one of the BARcamp hand raisers.  I also indicated that either day would be fine with me.  And of course, I am willing to pay $30 for lunch to support the cause.

The food is good.

> On another note there is a limit to how much I can python (or anything) I can learn in two hours. but I will do what I can that day.

I hope to talk for about 2 hours, then an hour or so of Q&A.  I
believe most of the talk will be "yeah, thats easy.... get on to
interesting stuff"  "thats easy.... and interesting, cool!  more of
that!"  and a few "omg, my head hurts.  I am going to have to look at
the video later."

> By the way I appreciate your efforts in setting this up and in doing the training so let me thank you in advance.

you're welcome.  the response has been pretty good, which makes me
feel pretty good :)

Carl K

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