[Chicago] Chicago Digest, Vol 47, Issue 10

ladams ladams at ladams.interaccess.com
Wed Jul 15 20:08:13 CEST 2009


In answer to your request for feedback, I was one of the BARcamp hand raisers.  I also indicated that either day would be fine with me.  And of course, I am willing to pay $30 for lunch to support the cause.

On another note there is a limit to how much I can python (or anything) I can learn in two hours. but I will do what I can that day.  

By the way I appreciate your efforts in setting this up and in doing the training so let me thank you in advance.

Gil Adams

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Today's Topics:

   1. Python 101 day (Carl Karsten)

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 10:48:28 -0500
From: Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com>
To: The Chicago Python Users Group <chicago at python.org>
Subject: [Chicago] Python 101 day
	<549053140907140848l921a5eer6c0b8da86b83188c at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

At barcamp I promised to give a 2 hour overview of Python syntax
sometime in August.

Like I put on the wiki:

* As much Python as you can learn in 2 hours by Carl Karsten.
* Either August 15 (Saturday) or 16 Sunday. 3-5,
* We can do 12:30-5 if we get $300food/drink+60tip commitment. so 10
  people spending $30 on lunch, drinks and dinner.
* Preparation: Join the list, get Python running on your laptop.  Join
  the ChiPy `mailing list`_.

There were at least 5 people that were interested, so I want at least
that many people showing up.  I don't care if it s the 5 from barcamp,
just so I am not doing a formal lesson in front of 2 people.  I should
have collected names, there, but welcome to barcamp.  If anyone knows
some of the people who raised their hand, make sure they get in touch
with me - email, #chipy, reply to this tread, maybe I can get
Rendezvous involved.

Carl K

Chicago mailing list
Chicago at python.org

End of Chicago Digest, Vol 47, Issue 10

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