[Chicago] Want to work for Imaginary Landscape?

Christopher Allan Webber cwebber at dustycloud.org
Mon Sep 15 17:31:49 CEST 2008

In case you've forgotten, Imaginary Landscape is the place we've held
our last two meetings, and I'm the guy who really needed a haircut and
talked about phones at our last meeting.

Well, I've been offered a job I can't refuse working on Miro fulltime
for the Participatory Culture Foundation.  But Imaginary Landscape is
still a great place to work, and I've really enjoyed my time here.  And
I will say with full honesty that my direct boss, Chris Peters, is an
awesome person to work with, and the kind of boss that most programmers
wish they had.

We've got some interesting history here.  Ian Bicking wrote Paste while
working here, and recently we've begun transitioning to Django.  It's
all interesting stuff, and if working fulltime on python web development
sounds interesting to you, send an email to employment at imagescape.com

If you have more questions, feel free to ping me on IRC (I'm the guy
with the lame username of 'paroneayea'), message me on jabber/xmpp at
paroneayea at jabber.org, or send me an email.  I'll be happy to talk to
you about the job directly before you apply if you're interested.

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