[Chicago] OT: O'Reilly UG News--Here Comes Inside iPhone

Atul Varma varmaa at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 17:55:11 CEST 2008

Hey, there's currently talk on the Tinypy list about getting Tinypy working
on it.  Someone mentioned that it's technically illegal to put a VM on it
because it would limit Apple's control over reality, but apparently Squeak
and Scheme have already been ported and Apple hasn't done anything about it.

- Atul

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Chris McAvoy <chris.mcavoy at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Forwarding this on behalf of O'Reilly.  It has nothing to do with
> Python, but I thought you all might be interested.  Is anyone messing
> around with the iPhone SDK?  I know this is off-topic, shut up.
> Chris
> PS. "Here comes inside iphone" is the worst title ever, good work
> _book publishers_.  They need some sort of dictionary or something.
> ****
> Inside iPhone--a New Online Gathering Place for iPhone Technologists and
> Developers--Join the Conversation.
> Few new platforms have grabbed the interest of technologists and
> developers as much as the iPhone. And with the recent announcement of
> Apple's aggressively priced next generation, more folks than ever will
> be getting involved with the iPhone. Fortunately just in time for this
> surge of fresh interest comes Inside iPhone--a dynamic community
> resource for technologists, developers, and enthusiasts.
> "With the next generation iPhone announced, along with the much
> anticipated App Store, our expert writers will have much to discuss on
> Inside iPhone," said Derrick Story, O'Reilly's digital media evangelist.
> At Inside iPhone you'll find technologists passionate about the iPhone
> platform offering blogs, articles, code and forum chat about the iPhone
> SDK, web apps and Dashcode, and cool iPhone related innovations.
> Blogging on Inside iPhone are some of the best known writers and
> developers in the iPhone community:
> -Erica Sadun, well known as a lightning rod in the community,
> who has written, co-written, and contributed to almost two dozen books
> about technology
> -James Cuff, regarded as a programming genius
> -Paul Kafasis, CEO, Rogue Amoeba, a leading independent software
> company
> -Oliver Breidenbach, CEO, Boinx Software in Germany, makers of
> excellent Mac software that's fun to use
> "On Inside iPhone, we'll cover the iPhone SDK, web apps and Dashcode,
> along with other innovations and cool stuff," said Story. "Equally
> important we'll focus on illuminating how the iPhone interacts at the
> enterprise level."
> For more information about Inside iPhone, see:
> http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/iphone
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