[Chicago] MPI in Python?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Feb 27 21:15:23 CET 2008

    Massimo> Is the CPU don't share the same RAM threading is not an option
    Massimo> unless you use OpenMP, which emulates shared memory but it is
    Massimo> very slow compared with MPI. Nobody uses it anymore.

    Skip> So MPI means "Message Passing Interface" where the messages must
    Skip> be passed via shared memory?  *sigh* If so, I'll look elsewhere
    Skip> for solutions.

    Mike> MPI means "Message Passing Interface" where you shouldn't have to
    Mike> worry about the protocol used.  MPI will transparently use shared
    Mike> memory, pthreads, some other ipc mechanism, or sockets based on
    Mike> the configuration when you built the MPI library and/or what is
    Mike> the best supported mechanism on your operating system.

So I obviously misunderstood what Massimo wrote.  What did he mean?  I
interpreted his statement as meaning you can't use MPI without a shared
memory architecture unless you are using OpenMP which nobody uses anymore.


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