[Chicago] Newbie

Patrick O'Hara pohara at virtualmotors.com
Fri Sep 14 06:06:07 CEST 2007

i do not live in Park Ridge
 i attended the ChiPy meeting tonight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Kapteyn 
  To: brianjfox at alumni.uiowa.edu ; The Chicago Python Users Group 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [Chicago] Newbie

  Welcome newbie !

  I not sure if you noticed that there is a ChiPy meeting tonight !
  I highly recommend going and seeing what everyone is working on:


  There is also a django sprint at the same place tomorrow.

  I happen to live a few blocks from you in Park Ridge, and I am just getting ready to leave.
  (stopping at MicroCenter on the way ;-)

  Call me at (847)724-6269 if you want a ride ;-)

  -Rob Kapteyn

  On Sep 13, 2007, at 3:51 PM, Brian Fox wrote:


    I am new to python and I am in the process of switching careers into the 
    programming world and would like to get involved in working on an open 
    source project using python.  If anyone has any projects that they are 
    working on or could possible mentor me let me know.  I have an undergrad 
    degree in CS(2002), but have no industry experience.  I am looking for some 
    projects to work on that would help me learn more programming techniques and 
    make me more employable.

    Brian J. Fox
    516 S. Fairview
    Park Ridge, IL 60068
    (847) 518-8899 Home
    (847) 271-1268 Cell

    Chicago mailing list
    Chicago at python.org


  Chicago mailing list
  Chicago at python.org
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