[Chicago] Outlook Web Access scraper

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 16:37:10 CET 2006

On 2/10/06, johnnnnnnn <john at phaedrusdeinus.org> wrote:
> Michael Tobis wrote:
> > I agree with Atul's suggestion. I made a similar suggestion at a
> > meeting once, but most people present thought the easy stuff should be
> > left for "dessert". Anyone else care to weigh in?
> >
> My primary concern is that it would 1- encourage people to leave, and
> potentially 2- encourage people to show up late. The problem with those
> two, combined, is that it starts separating the l33t from the n00b in
> ways that are less than welcoming. Maybe i'm being overly egalitarian,
> but i fear that such a situation would make the group as a whole less
> newcomer-friendly.

I think it's a valid concern.  I also think that the format is worth
trying, with the above caveat in mind.


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