[Chicago] py for TurboGears

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Dec 11 16:47:36 CET 2006

Mark Ramm, Thursday's speaker and author of "Rapid Web Applications with 
TurboGears: Using Python to Create Ajax-Powered Sites"  will be teaching an 
intro to python class Thursday afternoon.  The goal is to understand the python 
you need to understand the Turbo Gears presentation that will be given at the 
7pm python users group meeting.

Pre-requisites: know about programming and web servers.

When: Thursday Dec 14, 12 to 5.

Where: Merchandise Mart - Suite 1400 - conference room, seats about 10. 
dietze-inc.com  (client of mine)  If I get more than 5 "mights" I will make a 
wiki page to track who gets a chair.

Why?  because Mark is coming in from Ann Arbor, MI to speak at the Chicago 
Python users group about his book.  He said he would show up early and teach 
some python to help him prep for a talk in February at PyCon, the main annual 
Python convention.  "As far as I'm concerned the price of admission is the 
willingness to learn, to help others to learn, and to provide

Tell your friends.  Now is the chance go get your python newbee cow0rkers into 

Carl K

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