[Chennaipy] How to suggest python for +1 TN SCERT new syllabus?

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at zilogic.com
Sat Dec 2 21:12:20 EST 2017

> Go this draft syllabus for upcoming +1 students. (maths, CS group)
> http://tnscert.org/webapp2/tn17syllabus.aspx?sub=Computer%20Science
> Do we need C++ as a first programming language?
> Shall we suggest to start with Python?

My 2 Rs.

  1. What we need to fix first, is the education system, not the
programming language being taught.

  2. It is important to choose a language that teachers are already
familiar with. Or we need to have sufficient infrastructure to educate
all the teachers and lab support staff. Moreover they need to get to a
point where they can teach it effectively to students.

  3. There are only 4 units on programming (in both 11th and 12th). The
units "Introduction to C++", "Programming in C++", "Object Oriented
Programming Concepts" barely scratches the surface. It doesn't really
matter what language people are programming in. The unit "Polymorphism,
Inheritance and Data File Handling", is just going over the board, and
is going to be painful, anyways. Because at this point they have not
seen a sufficiently complex program that deserves all of these fancy
features of a programming language.

  4. In the current scenario, it would be better to ask the Syllabus
committee to reconsider the "Polymorphism, Inheritance" unit, and
introduce something else that will be useful, to students.

  5. As part of improving the education system, I would also suggest that
we encourage kids to apply programming to other subjects especially
math, science, etc. How about creating resources and programming
exercises for students, to apply programming to these subjects. Along
the lines of what FOSSEE is doing.

  6. Last but not the least, we need to network with the schools, and kids
better, before we jump in and start advising the syllabus committee.


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