[CentralOH] [Monthly Meeting] Recap of March 2020 meeting - video now available

Damien Calloway damiencalloway at fastmail.com
Tue Mar 31 14:08:03 EDT 2020

Hello all,

I now have a video of last night's meeting posted on my YouTube channel 
- https://youtu.be/UwYgxKOMmsU

I am looking into what it will take to get the video onto PyVideo - in 
the meantime, thank you again for joining us !

- Damien Calloway

On 3/30/20 20:30, Damien Calloway wrote:
> - very helpful for data analysis.
> https://automatetheboringstuff.com - useful for getting a running 
> start on this (and in sharing with Pythonistas in general)
> https://github.com/guyroyse/data-structures - this is where the talk 
> can be found
> https://github.com/guyroyse/understanding-probabilistic-data-structures
> We learned how to analyse UFO sighting reports with the bloom filter, 
> and with Python. We also learned that Mulder and Scully’s boss was 
> Assistant Director Walter Skinner
> Interesting tangent - Mash: fast genome and metagenome distance 
> estimation using 
> MinHash

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